Thursday, October 19, 2006

We're still sz-free...

But Im getting worried. Im a worrier, I can't help it. Nathan's been stuttering a lot lately. I don't know if that's a side effect of the meds, an indication of sub-clinical activity or just a developmental issue because of the regression he's had. I've heard it's common for kids to stutter at certain points in their speech/language development. So, my theory is that because his speech/language has been so affected that this is just a typical "hump" to get over while his development is catching up. I hope that's just the case.

He's also been having trouble getting to sleep at night. Last night he didn't get to sleep until around 10pm.

He's still doing great at school. He's been mainstreamed an hour or so each day. That's definitely progress.

But, I can't help but worry.


At 7:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, so glad to hear he is doing well.



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